
Induction Set (10 minutes )
1.The teacher shows a clip video of a song entitled “M and N “.
2.Asks the pupils to watch the clip video carefully and state what they can see in the clip video given.
3. Shows a picture and point out other things in the picture with the phonemes /n/ and /m/.

Step  1 ( 20 minutes )
1.Teacher displays the jazz chant and reads it aloud with pupils. Pupils listen and follow the text read (jazz chant).
2.Teacher points to the words with phonemes /n/ /m/. Pupils say the words aloud.
3. Recite the jazz chant once again and asks the pupils to recite it randomly

Step  2 ( 20 minutes )
1.Get pupils to say the words aloud while one of the pupils point to the words. Pupils take turn to read and point out the words given.
2. Asks the pupils to do the tasks given, guided by the teacher. Pupils to do the assessment in group and individually.
3. For weaker pupil, ask them to do the remedial activity by pointing out  to the problematic words and the teacher will read the words.

Topic Closure (10 minutes )
1.The teacher will ask a few questions pertaining to what the pupils had learnt today.
2.The teacher will play the clip video once again but this time the pupils will sing together.
3.Asks volunteers among the pupils to sing the song and doing the action at the same time individually, in pairs and in group.

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